
This is the last song I will ever sing.”

– Morrissey

Morrissey, i’d say shame on you, but i see youre just an old fool. You dont understand this world and now it understands you very well. Youre tired, aren’t you? Good night. I might cry.


I know how to do this. just gotta check in with the feels

Feel gross and pudgy – round old age
is a constant thread of thought

Just thought “i wish porn could be a real person”
Not sure what thats about.
Probably my organic impotence

_______________________________________________________________”Happy and sad come in quick succession.”

I think abt death everyday.
I feel Death everyday.
____It hits me everyday —- it’s a force
________It’s a wave It overtakes my psyche & my soul
And sometimes, when i think i feel happiness,
i still want to die
Does that mean that its time?

I dont write poems anymore,
____but i have this sweet pen!
should i feel inspired? ambitious?
____Stay alive just long enough to
see if Frontier accepts my submissions?