
my last two letters were sent back to me, both because of un-good timing —

I feel split, having just finished reading your letter of liberation // I am moved, but when I read about the paintbrush and look at the pictures again, I felt the split – between my silently roiling dolor and the joy of reading you, the latter being a Goodness of Life, the former the sort of status quo, yknow – (The Dark Night, etc)

Im in a cafe, only cuz im waiting for m car being worked on around the corner here in Little Tokyo. I have a 19__ _____; works great, just needs some tlc. i named him ‘Bird’ b/c I love all birds, but im thinking of changing it. I p much consider him my boyfriend, & i think even though im conscious of how we relate, I might still be to rough with him sometimes.

Driving in LA is a test of patience & requires zen-like fortitude and zen-like aggression

Precious, I could drive forever. I wish I had infinite fuel; maybe some day after I swap our engine maybe I’ll set up a really sweet and efficient solar / non-petrol system // the carbon footprint and fossil fuel usage is literally the ONLY thing I dont like about cars

You are the Sun