dream, .-.

All the sudden in the middle of band practice with Operation Ivy, but it is like Quantum Leap sort of – I knew i had gone back in time but was not so shocked or disoriented, just went along with it / know it is a band practice when i look outward and see that there is no audience, just a space of seats n someone’s house? or a warehouse type jawn, dim green aether

Everyone’s really young; feels really cool to be in Jesse’s presence and singing along with him / scene changes. someone a couple times, or a couple different people ask me who i am. i dont know how to answer them / Walking around some quiet town i ask a few different people at different times where we are, and they each give the same response, “Small Town”, and with this air as if it is more of an unspokenly understood moniker than a name proper.

theres a severe mysterious air each time. keep thinking of w/L m8 Juniper as im writing this, but also feel that i am thinking of her in-dream a lot as well (or she is even present somewhere) – possibly due to the whole vibe; traipsing almost aimlessly about with a buncha punx not giving a fuck – its warm here/

We are walking around outside. the landscape feels and looks like southwest u.s. We feel alive, and camaraderie. this is one of the times i inquire as to where we are. very coolly and matter-of-factly, someone (Jessie?) says as we’re walking, “Small Town”, very simply. if this is how it is, it is acceptable to me

Suddenly have or realize i have my board in my hand, and upon this realizing start boarding straightway into the street. a push seems to give much more speed than usual. i veer hard to the right to dodge this brown caddy or buick that im sixing upon really fast

Just before getting right on it i realize im not gonna make the cut i’d intended, just behind the rear bumper, heading straight for the left rear flank of the car

I presciently sense and “see” myself slamming into the side of this moving car, so just as im about to collide with it i leap onto the the trunk, letting my board soar beneath the car as i dash ninja style over the top and toward the front of the car

My board emerges from beneath the long brown sedan unscathed. i alight on the pavement and scoop it up, giving a cursorily polite wave, trying my best to convey that i wouldnt have leapt onto the car if i didnt feel like i had to, and not directly at the driver, just in the general direction of the front of the cabin. the car moves on

Getting back on my board (cant sense any others anymore) i come to a high wire-fence gate, the fence sprawling in either direction. i stop there and put my face to the gate to look through. there is someone standing there, a few yards away on the other side, in an empty area with what seems like bunkers in the background. i sense they have been waiting for me. just part of crew(?). no, more familiar than that.