the pleasure principle

What is guilt… Guilt is a feeling (akin to?/like/) /of remorse; usually the feeling is accompanied by the desire to take something back one has done, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Guilt is the feeling resulting form doing something – intentional or not – which one feels is ‘wrong’; not because society says that it is wrong, but rather in the aftermath of the action, one feels the feeling of it having been wrong (for them, to them, or to their sensibilities)

What is pleasure? It is more than feeling ‘good’, itself mostly a relative term. pleasure is definitive, recognizable, distinct among things or other feelings that are ‘good’. one may not like the taste or sensation of taking vitamins, but something in them tells them that it is ‘good’ to do so, despite not feeling any ready pleasure in the action

Pleasure is not limited to actions that may be socially acceptable or socially thought of as ‘good’; laying in bed all day can be a pleasureful experience; shoplifting brings some people pleasure; being cruel to others brings some people pleasure; for others pleasure is the remembrance of God/Krishna/etc. for others pleasure is sex (and for some, it is only sex)

But really, deep down / ‘at the end of the day’, pleasure is a very natural and necessary mechanism or sensation that helps us maintain a sort of psycheo-emotional homeostasis, or it could be called the thing at the heart of a thing or things that helps us ‘get thru the day’. the buddha might disagree(?), but i feel that we need pleasure like a car needs antifreeze. we need it like music requires silence [in order to operate/function at all]. And, to that point, it is also mere parcel to the grander picture of what it is to be an existent entity on earth. ALL animals achieve pleasure, all animals…though, they may not necessarily seek in the way humans do; it is to the discredit and disadvantage of humans that they sometimes make it the sole driving force for their lives, and in doing so easily fall into despair and suffering. pleasure is also suffering.


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I suppose my particular “guilty pleasure’ is a bit more of an expansive one.

As i do from time to time, i have a little microdosey size of lsd in the middle of the day. some may say…dont do that thing, or i thought you were looking for jobs or anythisuch. but i have a first and foremost obligation to myself as an artist and, well, let that be my identity. 

Lets not go so fast; i didnt take lsd just as matter of pleasure, i also did it out of necessity. like, i need to do this and put this wonderful plant medicine into my body, which loves it and craves it, like a car craves gas or coolant or fuel or clutch fluid. it needs it, so i say nothing. it is action. i never hallucinate, so, maybe thats to my benefit lol. thinking, drifting to dance, which i shall do, touch which i shall do. this particular pleasure sets my mind aright, lets me see things that…or in ways that i might not otherwise look, because of dolor, depression, inactivity, sloth, disbelief, sense of unworthiness of even being in the world, but, i sort of digress. im listening to a sexy mix. i do the lsd because everything is here. i feel it, living, alive, breathing: my sex, my ancestors, my art, my heart