typing] as word-language)... But the Consciousness is [also] Bowie, and yet talking about Bowie; saying that there is a beyond that cannot be returned from. it laughs, merrily, in this compassionate way. I feel, extended. i am in this Space, but i am holding something now. a pad with a screen on it. it feels like i am trying to do some calculations. The consciousness is [thinking] about (/focussed on) me/my locus now. it is "smiling". in the view of the pad, "i" "understand" that all saved states will disappear - something will transfer to the next... (The Consciousness is in the data now, and some things i cannot translate)... a sorrow, a duty... /// Dark courtyard, in a park a night. feels like could be one of the various zones of prospect park. three huge round grey stone tables with stone bench encircling. im walking through this open area where these tables are, pointedly toward the furthest away from where i've "entered" and near another path itself. the first table i pass is full of people, young, fresh. (the feeling is of walking through a cafeteria - it is a relaxed air, everyone seems to be genial and friendly with one another. talking casually and exchanging stories. some sitting on the benches at the tables, some lounging on the tables themselves) They acknowledge me passing with smiles but continue in their way. Passing the second table is a similar scene, the the table is less crowded. Getting to the third table i see that there are even fewer people, 3 or four, and one of which i recognize. Nova is sitting there, though amongst others, looking directly at me approaching. smiling welcomingly. i feel myself smile and move to sit down on one of the stone benches across from her /// The wedding/event festivities seem to be dying down and people are beginning to leave. it is a wonderfully joyous air. don't get a beat on any individual specifically, but there seem to be silly ones, quietly content ones, some ppl still dancing off somewhere, little young ones somewhere...it feels like a soup of happiness. yet in some manner i feel apart from it, sitting there on the floor with my GGGM. i feel like she senses this feeling of me and/or is the same feeling. i look around, and when i look back again i see that she is scooping all of the batteries into a handbag. this is not unusual to me, but i was distracted momentarily and begin to scoop a smaller amount of the batteries into my hands. We stand and begin to leave too. we are walking abreast, with gentle air and unspeaking. we are approaching one of the AV contraptions they used to wheel into class rooms with a tv on top to watch educational movies. there is a tv on top, and on the second tier down, between hip and breast height, there is a box device that seems like a projector(?) or vcr(?). as Gggm and i pass the thing we simultaneously extend our open left hands toward the projector. i do not understand really what we are doing, but i am following her lead naturally, as a matter of course, and sort of simply know what to do and that it is part of what our role is and related to that 'apart' feeling. i feel a quick and beautiful energy shoot through my arm and there is a super intense but small/contained white flash. nothing seems to happen, and we unfalteringly continue walking toward the exit. as we are moving away from the contraption i sense a presence there that i didnt sense before our manoeuver; it seems like it's standing on a stool or chair and operating the machine, and i suddenly feel this twinge, in my mind(?) or the gut of my mind(?), and i 'look' over my shoulder to see that the presence is looking at us go from behind the tv sidelong with it's eyes. but it feels...off, like it actually isnt supposed to be there?-like it has nothing to do with this event or the reality we are in at all. it merely looks. As we are approaching the doors my Gggm says, coolly and with a sureness, "Well at least we know we can hold the energy."" /> typing] as word-language)... But the Consciousness is [also] Bowie, and yet talking about Bowie; saying that there is a beyond that cannot be returned from. it laughs, merrily, in this compassionate way. I feel, extended. i am in this Space, but i am holding something now. a pad with a screen on it. it feels like i am trying to do some calculations. The consciousness is [thinking] about (/focussed on) me/my locus now. it is "smiling". in the view of the pad, "i" "understand" that all saved states will disappear - something will transfer to the next... (The Consciousness is in the data now, and some things i cannot translate)... a sorrow, a duty... /// Dark courtyard, in a park a night. feels like could be one of the various zones of prospect park. three huge round grey stone tables with stone bench encircling. im walking through this open area where these tables are, pointedly toward the furthest away from where i've "entered" and near another path itself. the first table i pass is full of people, young, fresh. (the feeling is of walking through a cafeteria - it is a relaxed air, everyone seems to be genial and friendly with one another. talking casually and exchanging stories. some sitting on the benches at the tables, some lounging on the tables themselves) They acknowledge me passing with smiles but continue in their way. Passing the second table is a similar scene, the the table is less crowded. Getting to the third table i see that there are even fewer people, 3 or four, and one of which i recognize. Nova is sitting there, though amongst others, looking directly at me approaching. smiling welcomingly. i feel myself smile and move to sit down on one of the stone benches across from her /// The wedding/event festivities seem to be dying down and people are beginning to leave. it is a wonderfully joyous air. don't get a beat on any individual specifically, but there seem to be silly ones, quietly content ones, some ppl still dancing off somewhere, little young ones somewhere...it feels like a soup of happiness. yet in some manner i feel apart from it, sitting there on the floor with my GGGM. i feel like she senses this feeling of me and/or is the same feeling. i look around, and when i look back again i see that she is scooping all of the batteries into a handbag. this is not unusual to me, but i was distracted momentarily and begin to scoop a smaller amount of the batteries into my hands. We stand and begin to leave too. we are walking abreast, with gentle air and unspeaking. we are approaching one of the AV contraptions they used to wheel into class rooms with a tv on top to watch educational movies. there is a tv on top, and on the second tier down, between hip and breast height, there is a box device that seems like a projector(?) or vcr(?). as Gggm and i pass the thing we simultaneously extend our open left hands toward the projector. i do not understand really what we are doing, but i am following her lead naturally, as a matter of course, and sort of simply know what to do and that it is part of what our role is and related to that 'apart' feeling. i feel a quick and beautiful energy shoot through my arm and there is a super intense but small/contained white flash. nothing seems to happen, and we unfalteringly continue walking toward the exit. as we are moving away from the contraption i sense a presence there that i didnt sense before our manoeuver; it seems like it's standing on a stool or chair and operating the machine, and i suddenly feel this twinge, in my mind(?) or the gut of my mind(?), and i 'look' over my shoulder to see that the presence is looking at us go from behind the tv sidelong with it's eyes. but it feels...off, like it actually isnt supposed to be there?-like it has nothing to do with this event or the reality we are in at all. it merely looks. As we are approaching the doors my Gggm says, coolly and with a sureness, "Well at least we know we can hold the energy."" /> Bowie – 12-Jan-2015 – PWRSTRNGR

Bowie – 12-Jan-2015

Bowie, throughout dream – seems deftly, coolly and inconspicuously completing his part of the mission. Other parts are incumbent upon others, my “self” included.///

Great-Great Grandma (Gggm); a wedding? in like a catering/reception/event hall. She’s sitting casually on the ground and i with her. we are observing the celebration.

we are sitting there Gggm and i, and there is a pile of double-A batteries between us. it almost feels like they were not simply here in this reception hall but that we brought them? ///

Hanging out in a former residence. original roommates are not there, but there is “myself” [feels like truly a self that is a self of me that i know and recognize, but more like an exalted me or a different (dimensional) version of me?], one or two other presences (who also seem to have this High Energetic air about them and i dont recognize), and Bowie.

we are all chatting affably and very relaxed. / flash /
same house? the mission is underfoot. bowie is off somewhere. ///

in the house, it seems to have expanded dramatically or is a different house/mansion?

there is a low (bottom) part which is mostly water, and stone, craggy and wet. it is a big open area with lots of water and earthy shores. though somehow i know i am in some sort of complex

“I” or some permutation or transformation of I am swimming. The entire surroundings are rife with life, green things, water, water-dwelling creatures, i can feel the life forms of various sizes in the water – being part of the aliveness of water. i sense no other sentient life

I dive beneath the surface, it is blueish-green and mostly clear.

going beneath the surface it feels as if i have not gone beneath the surface of water at all – it is a very natural motion that seems to take no unusual effort, like i am part of the water itself, or i instantaneously configure my present being into a proper water entity

Once i feel deep enough i come across something that is like a cavern or gorge really. i stop, startled at the sight that i see – not in fear or any such reaction of aversion; it is more wonder, amazement and also joy. there are creatures down here that look to be mammoth albino tadpoles, very large (imagine that a tadpole head is the size of a compact car with a tail as long as a row house – possible the exact dimensions of a helicopter). and there are 6 or 7 of them, some all white and some all black, swimming about and around each other in…a loving mass, like they are happy, content.

upon seeing this i am filled with a sense of joy and understand that this is very thing that i came to this magical place to discover ///

House, has changed again. definitely the same house, but seems more additional corridors and rooms, has become somewhat maze-like.

There is an agitation in the air – and i sense with surety that it is due to the mission ahead.

there is no ready vocal “talk”, yet there seems to be a lot of communication happening, at speeds that seem almost instantaneous, packets of information transferred to my understanding and my understanding of the information transferred back to…(?)

Part of the understanding is that Bowie is now in position to engage with his part of the mission, but it is like…he is waiting, wherever he is – perhaps on me and/or others – but not local. i can sense his presence, and sense that he senses me and the others as well, and he is totally Ready. /

It is an old house, almost everything is this pleasantly musty, brown wood, perhaps white painted walls. on a landing between floors there is a room with the door partially open. Running up some wooden stairs in a narrow stair-well, seems like in the same house. i am amidst a task.

i walk toward it and, grasping the knob with my left hand i gently push the door open to peek inside. The room is awash with natural daylight from 2-3 large windows along the opposite wall, reaching all the way to the ceiling easily 10+ feet high. the walls are white and the floor completely wood and in immaculate condition.

in the very center of the floor is a giant white egg shell, cracked, albescent, almost to the point where it seems to be glowing, in no small part due to the light from outside. the bottom half of the shell is sitting upright, and the top half laying on the ground next to it. alarmingly – but not frighteningly – the top half of the shell is slightly rocking on the floor as if it had JUST recently fallen there from an emergence. realizing this i close the door and start briskly back down the stairs.

it is in my movement that i become aware of a garment i am wearing, it feels – by the way it sits on and moves around me – like it is a robe of sorts, flowing as i step through the curiously living air.

getting back down to the previous floor i open a door into a dim hall. as i enter i feel an intense wave of energy wash over my whole form from in front of me, like entering from mildly cool air, into a body of warm warm water, when one feels the heat rush through them like energy currents.

im standing here in this dim hall, somewhat dazed but not without my senses. looking to the right, the hall seems to go on for a hundred yards or more, and there is a presence, definitely in a corporeal form too, casually strolling the hall toward me. it is not frightful, or inducing any anxiety or wariness at all, but just seems very very strange, like the feeling of looking at a puzzle, or an animal one has never seen before.

Looking the other way to the left, the hall seems to stretch on for the same distance, and at a similar pace and distance from me is Bowie. he is wearing slick black dress shoes, and an all black suit, pressed pants and jacket, seemingly off-black shirt, and he is casually ambling toward me, beaming a smile, like everything in his sphere (or emanating from him) is aright and proper.

They seem neither to notice me in the hall at all, and continue at their paces. i feel a sense of urgency, and that i am not where i am supposed to be.

i run back up the stairs, past the floor with the egg and up to the next. i enter a room in somewhat of a flurry but not boisterously. it seems to be a bedroom and there is a person standing, at the foot-left corner of the bed with their back to me. they are tall, and wearing a black trench coat identical to one that i posses in waking reality. with a visceral start i recognize the entity as Me, but i do not recognize them, but i do.

Suddenly i am aware of suckling noises and i see, after some moments of the room and full scene resolving before me, that the arms of this person are in a position like they are holding something, a giant creature that they are nursing – feeding, hence the suckling sound, and i get the sense that it is from some device they are using like a bottle or some such.

I did not see before that there is a little step further into the room, and they are on the main part of the floor.

slowly i enter. i sense that they are aware of me, and they even turn their head slightly to peer over their left shoulder. but it does not phase me; it doesnt seem that i am threatening them, and, in fact, there is a feeling of understanding coming from the person, as i seemingly unknowingly know to look down, and kneel to reach for a square red book sitting on the floor a few feet to the left of where they are standing. it is a book on Lisp programming, and i vaguely recognize it, yet can’t help the feeling that i was the one who left it here.

I pick it up gingerly, in assay to make little sound, and i back out of the room leaving them to nurse the giant creature in their arms ///

I am floating in space, and/or air(?), or blue-space. there is blue emptiness, but full of a consciousness that is the space itself, all around “me” [my locus of perception]. me that is me, yet seeming me-less, floating yet formless.

This Consciousness begins speaking to me…(not in word language, but just energy that i can only translate here [meta>typing] as word-language)… But the Consciousness is [also] Bowie, and yet talking about Bowie; saying that there is a beyond that cannot be returned from. it laughs, merrily, in this compassionate way.

I feel, extended. i am in this Space, but i am holding something now. a pad with a screen on it. it feels like i am trying to do some calculations. The consciousness is [thinking] about (/focussed on) me/my locus now. it is “smiling”. in the view of the pad, “i” “understand” that all saved states will disappear – something will transfer to the next… (The Consciousness is in the data now, and some things i cannot translate)… a sorrow, a duty… ///

Dark courtyard, in a park a night. feels like could be one of the various zones of prospect park.

three huge round grey stone tables with stone bench encircling.

im walking through this open area where these tables are, pointedly toward the furthest away from where i’ve “entered” and near another path itself.

the first table i pass is full of people, young, fresh. (the feeling is of walking through a cafeteria – it is a relaxed air, everyone seems to be genial and friendly with one another. talking casually and exchanging stories. some sitting on the benches at the tables, some lounging on the tables themselves) They acknowledge me passing with smiles but continue in their way.

Passing the second table is a similar scene, the the table is less crowded.

Getting to the third table i see that there are even fewer people, 3 or four, and one of which i recognize. Nova is sitting there, though amongst others, looking directly at me approaching. smiling welcomingly. i feel myself smile and move to sit down on one of the stone benches across from her ///

The wedding/event festivities seem to be dying down and people are beginning to leave.

it is a wonderfully joyous air. don’t get a beat on any individual specifically, but there seem to be silly ones, quietly content ones, some ppl still dancing off somewhere, little young ones somewhere…it feels like a soup of happiness. yet in some manner i feel apart from it, sitting there on the floor with my GGGM. i feel like she senses this feeling of me and/or is the same feeling.

i look around, and when i look back again i see that she is scooping all of the batteries into a handbag. this is not unusual to me, but i was distracted momentarily and begin to scoop a smaller amount of the batteries into my hands.

We stand and begin to leave too. we are walking abreast, with gentle air and unspeaking. we are approaching one of the AV contraptions they used to wheel into class rooms with a tv on top to watch educational movies. there is a tv on top, and on the second tier down, between hip and breast height, there is a box device that seems like a projector(?) or vcr(?).

as Gggm and i pass the thing we simultaneously extend our open left hands toward the projector. i do not understand really what we are doing, but i am following her lead naturally, as a matter of course, and sort of simply know what to do and that it is part of what our role is and related to that ‘apart’ feeling.

i feel a quick and beautiful energy shoot through my arm and there is a super intense but small/contained white flash. nothing seems to happen, and we unfalteringly continue walking toward the exit. as we are moving away from the contraption i sense a presence there that i didnt sense before our manoeuver; it seems like it’s standing on a stool or chair and operating the machine, and i suddenly feel this twinge, in my mind(?) or the gut of my mind(?), and i ‘look’ over my shoulder to see that the presence is looking at us go from behind the tv sidelong with it’s eyes. but it feels…off, like it actually isnt supposed to be there?-like it has nothing to do with this event or the reality we are in at all. it merely looks.

As we are approaching the doors my Gggm says, coolly and with a sureness, “Well at least we know we can hold the energy.”