*sing-songy* the squeaky wheel wins.

Undersea clenchventures – anal ago us play – its better this way – the ol in&out – mal-functionary & wary. keep the cock in wait for grading, and time between movements proper spacing

Satan, bleating the ‘good news’, says, “this is riveting.” thinks, “I anal to please!” (laugh track)

Champion is a verb. turning up the ivory sweetness brought down in a leathery package, for time-release surprise – thankfully, our Sol is a champion of the truth.

not all who do not fly were meant to stay ground-bound forever. many creatures learn to leap; some of those same creatures are thrown to their doom off the sides of sheer cliffs by eagles.

Fly ye, dust, today.

Heading to the boiling brother of notes; via napkins, on hands, on insides of thighs, in the margins of newspapers at a cool 404 degrees. add wounds, market smartly to the most impressionable/damageable

I came to the town of becoming toast too tight.