That was the death grip,and now I will have my time to go blind

The title page of the one who has remembered, and touched the most secret locations, and come there already broken a bit and without provisions, for then, for there, is a strangely colored sun, the one that is set to mark and beckon, to identify our steward in this locus

~ ~ ~

Sense of finality comes with insanity. they are partners in their assiduous assault. and, Book, you know that i am not inconcurrent; a terminology for someone like me, is (rehash)

Or watcher /or, regurgitator/

  i can do stuff, i am not defenceless, nor skillless nor nothing nor not nothing, and its all just as well that these pages are porous – a someone who would kiss me was a blaze from the digital plane, and in classic me fashion – Destroy Everything

    Fuera, i will be lulling you – its the nicest thing that i could do.

write an homage to winter, an ode to memory – give the chefs what they want, even peace, even a laugh

Give Laughter reprieve in which to breathe – give the breather space (funnily) and the earnest of one’s eagerness to defeat oneself in battle. to the battle, give thy will.

I have leased my body

Pea’s house looks like an almost exact inverted version of my Gram’s house in my hometown; it was surreal– and now, that void drifting further — constellations appearing where before there was a hazy star

A star, chiding and smiling way near the core, such a smile that said core cannot be hid by surface fervour – this is the way that a lover smiles

Now here at the end of things on earth, i imagine the sun, our Sol, swallowing us whole