12-mar-15, “Kojak”


in a basement – looks like a dadly basement theres an ez chair and a golf-green table top table; basements stretches back p far cluttered with things and stuff, trophy type things hanging or jutting, dusty portraits in frames

4 or five mates standing around chatting affably, possibly holding beverages? chuckling and such, and we r all standing near this card or pingpong table

im standing a bit off from the others observing for a moment when out of nowhere – and not from the stairwell in the upper left if my eye – and jolly man figure appears from the right, from where the basement stretches on. his presence/air has the feeling of a half stout eccentric character from a russian play, & half wise old black man whos not a main character in a movie but sagely inspires the protagonist from some plot stupor

The man is wisting about the group, merrily meeting and shaking the hands of all there, who seem in general very pleased to meet him, all laughing a little and exchanging some pleasant remarks

Once he has made his rounds he happens to be standing directly across from the green topped table from me, standing askance my view (his back facing the stairwell and his right shoulder facing my eyes). i suddenly sense him sense me-no motion or movement to show this, but it is like i can feel his mind’s attention strongly on my presence. at this i sort of loom out of the semi shadows and move toward the group

I stand right before the man while i situate a friendly smile. in this same moment he is extending his hand out to me. i respond with my right and we do that thing.

Pleasantry words are exchanged then a beat later he makes a little “hmm”. i pique my eyebrows and look at him then he says “Unlike the others you quickly removed your hand right away.”

In a strange sort out of dream moment — (and its a strange feeling: i was in a non lucid manner thinking about my iwl [in-waking-life] feelings and efforts of transforming myself – as if said waking life i was thinking of was a dream that i was remembering in this dream) — i feel a surge of emotion and for a split second make sure in myself that i respond in an honest and open way to this emotional shift brought on by his statement

Fully present again after processing his statement i raise my right fist as high as i can bring it down smashing into the green table top as hard as possible (discovering it is somewhat soft)

Everyone seems agog and gawking at me. i firmly state, and with an effort of temperance, “IM JUST EXPRESSING MYSELF AND THATS HOW I FEEL ABOUT IDENTITY AND HANDSHAKES!”

The mysterious figure has jolly laugh at this, as if i had just said something ticklingly poignant to him.

He starts talking excitedly, too much to recall, but i catch some bit he says abt “…I’m gona take you to meet Kojak!”(?) and he boops me on the nose with his index finger then skips away up the stairs