
i am pacman, in classic setting except the walls are of light blue or blue green, & they have an organic feel to them

Interestingly, the view is still from above The pacs are slightly more spaced apart, & the action a little faster, like when you arrive at the later levels of the game

And it is the game indeed, but the struggle is very real   Feeling great nervousness & anxiety at having to gobble the pacs and ghosts   There is a second player, a close friend of mine who i cannot seem to name, but looks exactly like me [pacman-body] & he is on the same mission, whatever it may be   The point of view is the same, & as we switch turns throughout the different mazes, my apprehension toward my friend’s situation grows stronger and heavier, especially whenever he has a close encounter with the ghosts   (wonder where my own pac-body is when he is on the field, because though the view is from above, it is not where i am) 

  Eventually he is cornered by the ghosts, they touch him & he spins into oblivion   I am sent into despair, think to self, /there’s only one of us left/ but i do not remember after