somewhere in these afterthrows – a feeling
    i have not felt in some time

    and i feel i must admit it.

    it is regret

    . yes, i think this is what this is
    it is like
        having made a meal for oneself

        made with what ingredients for it remaining in the kitchen
        then spilling the meal on the way to the table

    it feels of a similar wavelength to shame, perhaps a little slower

    the feeling like one needs to say sorry to G-d

    its the piss bottle that splashes yalittle when finally going to dump it out

My bike has a flat. i feel great btw
I feel like sex is a special dimension that is also very dangerous

    I kept my ear to the force, and feel differently of “fun”(?)

    I like comic books; the stories inspire me and i feel the aloneness which nods at me