
thinking about people not having time to play; it’s so deep that so few seem to even have the time to think about/consider play as a something to practice

I think though that we tap into it, for instance sports teams. that is a certain frequency [of play]; there is a frequency of play. it’s the kind where the event has to occur, in order for people to play. it can quickly turn very repetitive, aggressive, competitive, dark. and it leaves the realm of play, and enters another side of being a free animal, which is the aggression.

the lower frequencies are easier to tap into: hate, anger, dolour.

the joy frequency is a very high frequency – and i’m talking about energetic frequency here. Imagine a wave; this is frequency: the tinglings we feel when we’re happy, when the jam comes on, or the sweetie comes home, or a kitten springs out of a box; these are the high frequency joy love stuff.