I dont know what to do when Im not at work — took my first abilify today, about an hour ago in the parking lot. I’d just woken up to the car getting very warm (Were it not hot & stuffy and I had not to pee i would have stayed) / I dont feel any different yet, but its supposed to take some time anyway /

My rage toward the white tragedy that is this society seems to be in an abated state, a sort of sad ambivalence, yes.

I guess it’s very telling that the very first thought i had when i extracted the bottle from the bag was to o.d. — the fact that i first saw just another avenue toward ending this present incarnation

Dream: hiding under some table in a semi-mansion type house-seems like an old pink panther move — Im some kind of ninja or somesuch; that is my job, to stalk this old white guy — but he spots me (I have a partner, a twin, somewhere else in the house or room)