Dear Self, I was lost on you

Get it out now

The prognosis is

I commiserate with the walls
our stiffnesses, 
	how we wish
	an earthquake would
	happen while we are
	holding this old ceiling  I look down at the floor and ask,
"Were you using right speech!"

Wall is me;
	my rat generation's overdue

Dear Self,
	I was lost on you

oh child of me

The soul’s personal wheel –
the rote of the self

    Is it the ego that wails?

The queries i yet have
are still experiencing adolescence.

Awake mother, awake
I seek to see that which i seek

Oh child of me,
    forgive me i must rouse you,
      you may not longer sleep
      (and i know this is your wish)

Rise dear Heart of mine,
    for i cannot breathe withoout you,
and yet
    i know, in your way,
    you are not keen on being seen,
      (and really it is me),

But please, rise,
      I will hold you forever
My love, you have a place


M_ C_ birthday. I somehow double-booked, but one is an event and not a person. the choice is clear.

Also, Earl Grey tea is deceptively caffeinated. It’s about 0540 rn, woke up @ 0420, and had a pee and many farts.

Layed back, couldnt sleep. Looked at smarfo & learned abt Vastu Shastra (basically the Hindu equivalent of Feng Shui).

I had been thinking about changing the orientation of my bed again for a few days and this time more intelligently/informedly. On one of the first nights i had it in the head-west feet-east pos, i had a mysterious lucid dream. Last night i was semi-lucid but it was also a little scary. (Noteworthy is that the former was the first lucid dream i remember having in a number of years)

Even though im certain my restlessness at present has to do with the earl grey, i felt compelled to change back to head-south feet-north, especially as that i had been not 100% abt the former config (despite the lucid dreams, which are ideal – that is to say, ideally i would be lucid dreaming every night, or having the option, at least, to lucid dream every night).

Something im grateful for: the ability to retrieve almost any information in any given moment almost instanteneously. I’m at once in awe at the power of the internet, and at the same time totally overwhelmed by this power and its sheer magnitude.

I want to use the internet more intelligently. (Note: there are all sorts of intelligence)