
sometimes i think about engaging in sexual liason with someone who has serious anger issues. not sure what thats about-though i wonder if it wouldnt wind up being like that scene in that araki movie about the experience that makes gordon-levitt’s character seriously reconsider his path in life and his choices.

the protector hand lay silent amidst ashed and dried wax. neon green tower flares with cartoon flames, beneath further towers filled with dablooms and precious gems and mementos from a different time gone by

The sirens in the distance are like singing, the sirens that are close sing some kind of show in which everybody knows right where they belong, right there, gawking, and fiddling their genitals with the fingers of their minds, subconsciously waiting to be shot or stabbed at any given time

someone has
a polaroid
the eternal
final shit
for the ages
Come dear
ones, pap
shall spin
a yarn, it
is old
and strong
and perfectly
Our deep
pains and
grow with
pack these
lives into
the flimsy
bags of our
lives, and
lo, so much
little is yet known about where the destination leads or what is
supposed to have been packed from the get go

Reading over the old scrolls, this reader is certainly touched

The scrolls try invariably to maintain their rolled shapes

Holidays these days play template for every game of fools, we fools sing merrily, flush, stumbling through wet and mud laughing at the absurdity of even our jollity, and the strangeness of feeling selfish for jollity in the darkened times.

some walk with scars, with the little devil’s on their shoulders looking out for them toward the rear, while they smile for this short time of jubilee, the last days that any of those sent could safely walk the streets, and now theres no getting off the land – only death or victory

I set down upon the stoops of angels

A street, grey, familiar,
    therefrom lifts
    a part of my heart
    with love, queer –
    in love, queer love it is

Love were you not strange
    I might not mention you as oft

Touching my pleasures
    my wounds show
    and radiating a dark light too

As there is a Dark Night
    there is
       a Long Peeling

Darling you curve into
    this place of me just now,
Matching my gait,
    your gaze on
    the monsters in my wake


it is the way one breathes and the fact that the breath is tied to the emotions.

Lets just talk about trauma.

one experiences trauma, the body becomes tight.

the breath is held – bated breath.

one bates one’s breath when also excited about something such as a loved one, a lovey-dovey or crush or whatever, or sensational excitement like fireworks, or getting what one wants such as a manipulator at the prey crawling unknowingly into the web; these are all things titillation.

but fear also causes its own sort of excitement in the spiritual and emotional body. as such we are often tight when unintending or unknowing; unconsciously taut; making the lungs taut, the organs taut, it makes all the muscles or certain muscles taut, and the vessels of the body too including the blood

In order to countrerbalance this tautness and sharpness of breathing — short sharpness of breath — one must meet  body with intention, that is to say, not just breathing, not just automatic breathing, but breath with intention, yet also the intention of the body, that is to say to occupy it, to understand that the spirit is not in the body, but the body is ALSO the spirit. 

so as the body breathes, the spirit breathes. as the body breathes, the spirit breathes.

walking differently \\ alignment \\ setting up \\ so that the breathing channels themselves are free and unwound, able to take in as best they can – in the case of a city like los angeles – what little oxygen there actually is.

this also predicates and merits the leaving of any situation that is cubicle or box-like, such as cash register or actual cubicle or box, and go outside and work, that is, a place where there is nature, where there is oxygen, i.e. the beach, the forest, simply the porch or backyard. OR spiritual oxygen gained from the exchange of mutual squiggles winding in a sort of tandem, harmonious manner