words borne on temptation

Suffocated cicada
screaming in the turgid curdled sunless kitchen air

The drain, as its called, is an eyeflick away-
a suite inducing sedation

     Seduce its patrons,
     and convince them.


he took
he drained
the days,
the Minute Pity from my heart,
    made into a hunk of clay

My secret
    flew behind
       deep pain.
They set
      the eyes
modeled face
to see

    The windows
    haunted me,
And hunted me.

my meat |

Is my meat tryina say somethin to me
by boiling off of my bones

I’d rather lay down in some lava, lover,
to help you get across
than fall lonely in this
burningburning river of

In this scenario i fit the descript
of the space between the potion
and Romeo’s throat