
‘what happened to you,’ she asked. my friend.
i don’t now where she is now, but, i’ll never forget that.
‘what happened to you?’
If you hear this for the first time ever, it’s probably something you wont 
e able to answer at the moment.
The little black fan is like music. i feel the joints of earlier, i went
climbing with wu and ben. golly was it fun. their spirits so welcoming and
glowing. and i loved using my body in ways that i had perhaps completely
forgotten that i can. ESPECIALLY with the support of people i consider friends.
A friend is many things.

I wonder at my friend’s question often these days.
i list through this world, the whole scope having achieved a peculiar dullness

People say,
              “things slow down”

That they do


theres a lot you can do with programming.

you can delete your file system. you can make a game. you can play games against your computer
but it will only be as smart as you.

you can make a program that writes a million word poem everyday at 18:11 hours.

*note: attraction to japanese culture and language posb lot to do with attraction and tendency toward simplicity and The Implied


In a lot of cases (mainstream?) fashion and modeling are a way to help humans who like beautiful things, to cope with or forget abt their own traumas or those of the world, at least for a bit.

People are attracted to the unblemished, the existent gleam of youth, like a car still fresh off the lot or the assembly line, new shoes or any such thing.

trauma changes a person more than just on the inside. it changes our physiognomy, it changes the face-the way the eyes set, what the brows are doing, how the jaw is held. it changes the way we stand, the way we look at others.

these changes are like weights as well as scars. they stay; their existence is heavy & dense, and perpetuate a constantly cascading effect of subsequent changes.

it is these qualities of youth – lightness, innocent brightness like the sun reflected in morning dewdrop, ignorance – that are so oft exploited by industries/businesses seeking to capitalize from this always readily available resource.