chopper talk

O L.A., your gut is splayed,
over you we softly trammel,
we piss and shit in your navel

We move betwixt dimensions

The sky is not inside the mansions
The sky is not a blog-aside
The sky does not have track-lists

This page is sanctum for bacterium /
the overheard /
the underpaid / the unassuaged

I continue to casually crush my genitals in the company of girls
with attitudes like neatly and completely demolished
            high-rise building sites
where the scene is flat and severe,
            no speck of dust no rust
no margins
            no piss smell —
                     all of that
                           occluded in the contract


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Dear Night

   dear Night i do not disdain you, i am figuring things out
   I am not remorseful of the actions ive undertaken thatve caused me to feel shame
   Without it i would not have grown, expanded; thats my desire, and that is my lot