like, theres this whole other person U dont even know

Or, U are the feeling of getting up to walk, and only then realizing the foot has gone numb

Depression is more than a feeling one feels, it’s also a state of life/Being thats as much a part of oneself as the way one’s hair grows or the patterns of one’s moles(?)


/Sorry, theres no anything left. everything is dead You’ll have to turn around.

/Well…youre obviously not dead

/Oh im quite dead, Im a ghost you see

/Oh! Well youre looking quite corporeal i must say. you must be doing very well for yourself where ghosts live


/Ghosts, yes, ghosts

/Im afraid youre incorrect. theres just me the ghost, one ghost


/I gave it away didnt i?

/Yes, youre trying to protect some silly secret

/Theres still just me though

/Well may i come in?

/Yes, it makes no difference now

/Youre so kind Thank you