and father,

A dance known as
counts later years, and
after having a ship-load
of thought
we were
near-chattering dust,
    for thinking of life.

Earth, November, 2015, Christian year

candle light, rain outside, the scent not getting in
Thoughtropolis is we

A farmer said to me
even strong mental anguish can be a long long suffering

   still-brown-black and derelict
   with closet door about the neck,
   one somewhat traveled yet not quite wet

   lapping up same tired tune that drags on and on and on
   composed of forsaken years piled up behind the back,
    living the myth of being someone’s son,
    perceived in frantic glimpses when the mind is lacking slack

Swollen whisperers behind one-way glass
laugh oily laughs and busy their hands,
    mass circle jerking to invisible cash

Pleasures deluge the animal towns,
virtue washed to the periphery
and all under the purview
of the eye that always sees

Welcome to Garbage City

It was once beautiful here,
in the Vocal Age,
and bore a different name

City of rubbishy love,
   none tantalized by
   naught above

Baser Satanic joy-rides await
Bastard number 1 less 2
   gazes through into You
   searing through exactly like
   a spit piercing a living swine

Dirty diamond your suffering is mine

Sweetness faces the world,
bling spinning slowly
poised for present and future fuck

1 less 2 is not less True

We die at midnight. this death is a pun
The lungs are simply turning blue