

     deep press
   alludes to

the burrowing tongue

the mendentation.

imbedded in a dot, a thot,

constructed in code.

   beg for crackers
   and uber dismay

   one’s draw, doomed.

My palm-sized tract,
   my stretch,


   gives way.


Those qualities,
that moon-bestowed talent
    that itself may run rampant
    and rub coarsely the sensitivities
    of the ocularly inclined,
      when it comes to material time


     sometimes noise is

better when no one can hear. in context, alexis, it is probs 114 degrees right now, outside.

i am in of doors, so that i may write. i do it becuase it is what i do.

there is a heart-patterned cup to my right, there is coffee inside, im the only human in the house and i like it like that. i am only in my skivvies and no one can interrupt me now

Sometimes people tend to freak out and fetishize the tpweriter, so i dont whip it out too often

I like the hot; and i will be outside soon eenough. it just dawned on me again that im living in a desert [metropolis]. im desert swain. and ive never liked the frequency with which ‘I’ appears on any given page.

No one knows this is happening. take that, internet. im not yours im mine.

sacrificer of enjoyments, malfunction, debunk hun, your stylistic effervescence shaded child in attendance, touching and not knowing how, being touched and not knowing how

Deeply multicontextual:

If you see something, say something

Socalled poets deriving, sieving substance, where it is invited to be sown

Make the most of each moment. Deleting is a dedication to the past – /deadication/