dream, 1998/1999

The atomic bomb has fallen. No, Spiderman and i were trying before to keep a bomb away from some evil person by going through many different dimensions. At the last world, i get to the end of a bridge, the end being where construction on it seems to have ceased. There is a huge missile right there. For whatever reason, i throw the bomb device into the air next to the missile. The missile launches, then falls on the city.

~ ~ ~

Magically appear outside PGrandma’s house with all my friends. Being unharmed, i and we all are preparing for some mission.

While walking into the house, i notice a red fish that almost looks like a Goldeen [water pokemon], only smaller and more red, and strangely it is WALKING down a wall next to the door. We walk in. (At this point, i feel like i’m in a resident evil game.) We go into the portal to Grandma’s bedroom, but instead of her bedroom it’s the kitchen in Great Grandma’s house

Jessica [Winningham?], who’s part of the squad, goes into the dining room and comes back out holding a five, maybe six year old boy. He looks remarkably similar to the kid from The Shining, the new lame one on ABC. He snarls at me.

We all walk into the living room (and the scene is now PGrandma’s living room & hallway). Jessica sets the kid down, and he starts to repeatedly say “When mom & dad come back…” over & over again in that threatening taddle-tone that children do. It scares me, so i signal to someone else or anyone that i am leaving, saying “I’m going”. (Which is itself odd, because i’ve never spoken in a dream before.)

As soon as i get halfway to the door, and after about the sixth “When mom & dad come back…”, the kid jerks his head toward me, points right at me, looks me straight in the eyes and says “You’re dead!” Shocked and startled, i slap the shit out of his finger-pointing hand. *.*

very probably high school (imagine my surprise when i found this); posbly first dream i’ve ever recorded

[NOTE: there is a note at the top of the page that says ‘TURN PAGE AND READ “IMPORTANT NOTE” FIRST’, which i will actually place at the end, and could be skipped to if desired]

My Dream Last Nite

i am in an enormous field with professor Oak, and there are literally thousands of ducks flying in the air, attacking us, making shapes of bananas in the air (as if it were choreographed), and they are shooting acid-poop at us. I know this because Prof. Oak, in the flurry, says, “Watch out for their acid-poop!” It’s actually kinda pretty because the ducks are every color of the rainbow and then some. The ones that stand out the most are the all-yellow ducks, with wings shaped like those thingies that fall from trees like helicopters.

~ ~ ~

Driving Kevin’s car in san francisco with Kevin and Lars, and we’re going to pick up Faith to go to some show; all of a sudden, us three are in some corridor with a dark-gray marble floor, and i’m looking for a blue-green square because that’s how you get into Faith’s house, by standing on this particular square. (AND IT WAS WEIRD, BECAUSE I KNEW TO LOOK FOR THE SQUARE AND I KNEW WHERE IT WAS; ALMOST AS IF I HAD THE DREAM BEFORE, BUT I HAVENT, AND I’VE NEVER BEEN IN THAT CORRIDOR).

I find the square, stand on it, and nothing happens. Lars stands on it and it lights up, Lars jumps off, and the square disappears.

Looking through it, i can see into Faith’s house (her living-room to be exact (the room with the piano). VERY SUDDENLY, we’re in Kevin’s car again, me in back, Kevin driving, Lars on my right, and Faith in the passenger seat. We’re turning on to what looks like New Halls Ferry. Kevin runs over the curb, and, in mid-turn, we’re back in the corridor, sans Faith. Where the square used to be / over the square hole there is a rectangular block of porcelain with the letter “H” printed on it in the middle. Lars and i both bend down to look at, and as we do so it turns into white paper. i quickly catch it before it falls into Faith’s house then prop it back where it was, barely, seeing as that it’s paper now.

Suddenly, the three of us – me, Lars, and Kevin – are playing “Freak of the Week” by the Marvelous 3 [real band], me on guitar, Kevin on drums, and Lars on bass. Lars is singing into the mic, but there’s no sound coming from his voice. Yet he continues as if i’m the only one that notices that fact. Then suddenly, we’re at Times Square on MTV.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no sound in the whole dream except for the music, “Freak of the Week”, and when Prof Oak speaks —> nobody’s mouth opens, and nobody says anything whatsoever —> the only time anyone’s mouth opens is when Lars is “singing”—>NO SOUND WHATSOEVER, NO CAR ENGINE, NO PASSING CARS: JUST DEAD SILENCE

THIS FITS IN BUT I DON’T KNOW WHERE—> i was running with about SIX or more other people as if trying to get away from something, and i run between a beat up old car and a tree.

Under the tree, there’s this gray dust (almost ash-like). i poke the dust and some old lady sits up very quickly from under the dust.

—>The reason i poked the dust was because i REMEMBERED when she laid there in a previous dream, in the dream; i knew she was there ‘cuz i remembered. BUT, the thing is, i’ve never had that dream before.