
I want to be bare nature; streams, fields of grass and small flowers, birds singing beautiful things invisibly and the greater avians commanding the canvass of the firmament

Is there good soil anywhere? my heart is always breaking; the earth is becoming a dump

I dont know how to rise from this sorrow. perhaps find the shattered scattered crystals like in many of those prescient RPG’s—seven stars, seven shards, mana lokas, something always once grand, then broken by some natural happening of Time, and having to be found and gathered together again by the Heroes, each their own crystal or star, Reaching on their own journey toward wholeness/completion/refinement/fulfillment


No time to sit down
No time to be in love
No love to be in,
but the quietude of solitude

There’s a hint of death in being alone
A tap-tapping,
like a cat does with its eyes when it’s waiting for the food.


the world is on pause.
u think we’re progressing

Fires crackle in barrels in alleys in the night

I pass by glittering cafes and galleries with hubub wafting into the air

People laugh postiche nervous laughs
Their monsters claw at their glided guts,
coked down

Gucci prada porsche
Tv movie gorge

Show me my white ambition hollywood
Serve it to me on a plate
which i shall then wash

Men and women tremor down the street
in strident solo conversation

The European dream is blossoming

right here in la

There’s more human feces on public sidewalks than there is of dogs;
the dogs who oft can be found in fine clothes
with primped fur,
pert and alert

they are lifted above the invisible rabble

Oh how you wish they were, White Dream

Trust that in my mind is a prepared place
for the deep incineration
of the pundits this nation