somewhere in these afterthrows – a feeling
    i have not felt in some time

    and i feel i must admit it.

    it is regret

    . yes, i think this is what this is
    it is like
        having made a meal for oneself

        made with what ingredients for it remaining in the kitchen
        then spilling the meal on the way to the table

    it feels of a similar wavelength to shame, perhaps a little slower

    the feeling like one needs to say sorry to G-d

    its the piss bottle that splashes yalittle when finally going to dump it out

My bike has a flat. i feel great btw
I feel like sex is a special dimension that is also very dangerous

    I kept my ear to the force, and feel differently of “fun”(?)

    I like comic books; the stories inspire me and i feel the aloneness which nods at me

‘Kill’ and ‘sin’ arent synonymous.


Lust has killed me,
it killed me, way back when
I was a teen, and i was killed
Since then its mostly been
the absorption of information

Write, write – yeah yeah
Gonna be late for pizza today

Part of me wants to be fired.
with the regular rote it will never happen
I’m too nice(?)
Thinking abt Andy;

how did you do that, Andy?
You changed the game. the world was yours. you received a bullet to the trunk and lived – and you lived. how did you do that, Andy? wear shades behind your shades;
even Krishna and all his clan fell beneath their own weight

Dead by one’s own doing, sans machination, yet by the path of beauty

Ken, when you see Andy, please ask him for me how he did that thing, then come relay what he says in my dreams

that dream must end

In La
the rush never ends:
The spending goes on

The Brown snuffed

The white dream
belongs underwater
or in ashes;

Echo park in embers
Silverlake smouldering cinders

all those fearful micro-smiles
    just piles on the ground,
unrecognizable to the dollar,
    freed from their own
    self-induced bondage

The White Dream must end.