
I want to be bare nature; streams, fields of grass and small flowers, birds singing beautiful things invisibly and the greater avians commanding the canvass of the firmament

Is there good soil anywhere? my heart is always breaking; the earth is becoming a dump

I dont know how to rise from this sorrow. perhaps find the shattered scattered crystals like in many of those prescient RPG’s—seven stars, seven shards, mana lokas, something always once grand, then broken by some natural happening of Time, and having to be found and gathered together again by the Heroes, each their own crystal or star, Reaching on their own journey toward wholeness/completion/refinement/fulfillment

the curse of birth

All ye roses that wish to be free of earth,
   bloom ye differently

Expel the horror of thy beauty
    with the aid of the ugly ones

Live to life.

People have to go MAN


The good vibes are dead.
I have not lived
I wish to free the roses.

I dont want them to scream anymore_
    Women, what are you waiting for.

Dire magic — the curse of the birth,
    Dance no more,
    there’s nothing to show for all that thrashing
the lights
    are done and down


What if Toph does decide to come out here after all — it’ll be a grand experiment for sure. they want to build a temple with me; describing it in such a lovely way i was intrigued.

Ive never had the desire to co-pregnate someone until i met them. very aroused just thinking about it – our biologies though…

The challenge (among many im sure) will be for them to maintain their lucidity and give me space when i need it. we’ll probably fight too – but maybe in a fun way(?) They have until the end of the week

~ ~ ~

Back to work in a few minutes. Maybe things will be different(?) lol Yes, “new Year, new you”, something like that

Watch what thou sayest in the open air,
as well thy gaze,
so oft drawn to follow what seems
so fair to thine mirey eye

Great One, let not my organs weigh me to the sunken deep of fallen souls and carnal slaves. the body is not the master, thou art the Master, Divine and Secret Super Self, Hare Krishna