
This is the last song I will ever sing.”

– Morrissey

Morrissey, i’d say shame on you, but i see youre just an old fool. You dont understand this world and now it understands you very well. Youre tired, aren’t you? Good night. I might cry.


I know how to do this. just gotta check in with the feels

Feel gross and pudgy – round old age
is a constant thread of thought

Just thought “i wish porn could be a real person”
Not sure what thats about.
Probably my organic impotence

_______________________________________________________________”Happy and sad come in quick succession.”

I think abt death everyday.
I feel Death everyday.
____It hits me everyday —- it’s a force
________It’s a wave It overtakes my psyche & my soul
And sometimes, when i think i feel happiness,
i still want to die
Does that mean that its time?

I dont write poems anymore,
____but i have this sweet pen!
should i feel inspired? ambitious?
____Stay alive just long enough to
see if Frontier accepts my submissions?

love and loathing

How do i keep it alive / Im standing on the orange coals of whatever

My stupid rainbow has a human-like fickleness,

With this moniker of “my” it can only be so;
that breed of consciousness which infatuation sews
belongs to the lonely loners —
     not the lovers left alone
     but those who are destined
     to call loneliness Home
Hurt — do the things you loathe
Hurt — and loathe the things you do;
     hold them in high disdain,
        and pay thyself not
       the heed one is due


No time to sit down
No time to be in love
No love to be in,
but the quietude of solitude

There’s a hint of death in being alone
A tap-tapping,
like a cat does with its eyes when it’s waiting for the food.