“Jaded”, i mused
in the bathroom in this bar,
“this could be my name.”

Nani B___, i almost emailed you earlier. something reminded me of you – i didnt remember then and i dont remember now

Mindful of whos getting apostrophized
Might be productive to consider sorrow as merely a configuration of various particulates in the air. in a sense it is not only the air, but our air itself

Half a mustard sandwich. the ringing seeming louder. outta juice for today, and almost forgetting my universe-queries

patiences is a virtue, and with decay-green adamant, the tools are finally utilized – electricity and fire are ever in my fingers

Jesus Christ, just saying, for our sake in the mud here thrashing your epithets as the canvass splatters like a bird in bath, silent and losing some sense

The magnitude of your wounds, your face eclipsing the sun