Twas mouthed by magic old

A path thru restful seemeries,
in lampglow in those quarters cold,
   a budding vine two houses twined.

Those vestments that remained adorned
did not a buffer bring to form,
nor at the sacred blinking door
allow such thought to come to fore


The eyes cause a certain delay

So oft they are let to wander away in their play

Poor mind
It can practice “command” all it likes…

It is a mess of wanton movement,
at once an electric bolt,
and at once a lolling stone


It’s happening now three AM
writing with candle light
I set it on the bed
quiet and kind of dangerlike

Let not my head split tonight
  dear Kosmos,
I believe in Me
I am the child of myself

I the father by seeking my desert neglectful

Cool news,
  Im ready to love
  Mercy aside,
  more mollycoddling moot,
  along this unapparent avenue,
Dear Populous,
   i do not care if you know my personal pain or not