
12 jan 10

(just reminded of this dream by this show on the science channel, an episode about how one might create a reallife lightsaber)

It is low ceiling room, like in office/room of office building Room is quite large, and few fluorescent lights on There are people/figures, shrouded, and in small clusters of two or more, spread throughout the room, some of these groups are standing around or just near belly-high filing cabinets, and small (round?) desks or tables It is dim enough not to be able to make out any faces – esp. since upon appearing in room i seem to be facing the window wall of this room – but know there are heads turning toward me They seem unfriendly and/or suspicious On guard i start a light run, and am wielding a lightsaber in right hand, red or purple or green

I am running toward various groups and swinging madly I do not miss; i even feel the blade connect with many of them, but it does not faze them in the slightest I cut and cut and even aim for necks but they only stare at me blankly Becoming quite confused, and roaming i run the top of the blade along the sides of one of the filing cabinets with some white cloth of sorts dangling draped over it It perfectly and neatly cuts the cloth and part of it falls away

I still have confusion, and ive made my way to the long widow side with my back toward it I am looking over the whole room, and on the faces are looking at me without expression I can somewhat see them better I see Becca W standing w/ a male far and left, and i see familiar girl, closer, like in middle, & slightly to the right of that I notice from here that the back half of this vast room – [from] where i first appeared – is completely empty

Standing there, w/ saber down (but still ignited), i feel great amount of anger or rage, combined w/ something else, perh confusion, dismay, helplessness, weak, foolish I am not looking directly at any of them just over the room Suddenly something small comes flying at me, and i can tell by its speed & trajectory that it is something heavy, perh made of metal It is roughly the size of a walnut and came from the right and forward I dodge it, barely, by doing a small hop back & to the right My anger flares hotter and almost instantly another object of the same type & size comes at me from the same general direction I dodge it in the same manner

In this moment i notice familiar girl, and that she is Sarah K (or has taken on her form?), and she stands out because she is wearing a colour (yellow striped shirt w/ white?), and an excited smile As i am looking at her she throws something at me, of the same variety as the previous projectiles This one i attempt to slash w/ the saber, but i am not fast enough and it hits me in the forehead, on the right, very hard I reel for a second or so, then with even more rage i begin wailing indignantly in Sarahz direction, slashing some figures on the way (knowing & not caring it would do nothing) and weaving thru-around file cabs However, on my approach someone appears to my right, male, taller than me, and puts his hand on my right shoulder or right forearm I feel my anger subside a little, and that is all

*NOTE: 16 may 11 – i dont think that was Sarah K I am coming to the conclusion that in addition to assuming female forms, usually young, the Presence (Nous) can/will/has assumed specific forms of females i already know/would recognise – Sarah K, Emily H Mm….Mrs E?, trying to get my attention, show me something, take/go with me somewhere


i am pacman, in classic setting except the walls are of light blue or blue green, & they have an organic feel to them

Interestingly, the view is still from above The pacs are slightly more spaced apart, & the action a little faster, like when you arrive at the later levels of the game

And it is the game indeed, but the struggle is very real   Feeling great nervousness & anxiety at having to gobble the pacs and ghosts   There is a second player, a close friend of mine who i cannot seem to name, but looks exactly like me [pacman-body] & he is on the same mission, whatever it may be   The point of view is the same, & as we switch turns throughout the different mazes, my apprehension toward my friend’s situation grows stronger and heavier, especially whenever he has a close encounter with the ghosts   (wonder where my own pac-body is when he is on the field, because though the view is from above, it is not where i am) 

  Eventually he is cornered by the ghosts, they touch him & he spins into oblivion   I am sent into despair, think to self, /there’s only one of us left/ but i do not remember after