
more damned than cursed

What is the difference between a passing thought and a voice?

Brains change over time – the very structure of the brain!

We are that upon which we feed.


sometimes i get this little bit of a gospel song stuck in my head, where the whole choir sings in unison – rising by whole steps in conversational 8th notes, at the top of a prior crescendo: “JESUS IS THE ↗️LIGHT OF THE ⬆️WORLD!” Light of the world.

i hear youre not supposed to eat right away after waking up

i’m fascinated by the cat’s fascination with the machine, and the machine’s unsettling smoothness.

but that crux, or maybe not; what do the lines mean. i don’t like asking that question. it’s not always about purpose, or meaning.

Maybe more like Krishna, who was always preaching action. i think thats a great religion: action. just do the right thing. whats with all the extra brimstone and circumcisions and slavery and oppression. so many of these holy books regale us of tales of war and terrible shit all around, and then this one person shows up with this great news and new way of life, and you see how its always the same person and the SAME message??

but nah, we all wanna die nuder the guise of wanting to live. the Deathwish inherent in all things, this lurches off when the veneer of beauty is eroded way by time and trauma. you wanna pass some shit down to me through bloodlines? fine. but dont try and touch me when you lose control. and the control that wins, that one that is action.

the one that is action

the one that is action

the one that is action

The one that is Action

The cat has been staring at the typewriter this whole time, from the first letter. something about this moment makes me love her even more, despite her outbursts and dangerous love; ive been there before and am unafraid.

In conclusion, the raining today, sets me in a mood, and the things i dont remember, i think theyre remembering me, but even still, the attention of memories will not save anyone from money

It keeps you alive, not all this breathing