
my last two letters were sent back to me, both because of un-good timing —

I feel split, having just finished reading your letter of liberation // I am moved, but when I read about the paintbrush and look at the pictures again, I felt the split – between my silently roiling dolor and the joy of reading you, the latter being a Goodness of Life, the former the sort of status quo, yknow – (The Dark Night, etc)

Im in a cafe, only cuz im waiting for m car being worked on around the corner here in Little Tokyo. I have a 19__ _____; works great, just needs some tlc. i named him ‘Bird’ b/c I love all birds, but im thinking of changing it. I p much consider him my boyfriend, & i think even though im conscious of how we relate, I might still be to rough with him sometimes.

Driving in LA is a test of patience & requires zen-like fortitude and zen-like aggression

Precious, I could drive forever. I wish I had infinite fuel; maybe some day after I swap our engine maybe I’ll set up a really sweet and efficient solar / non-petrol system // the carbon footprint and fossil fuel usage is literally the ONLY thing I dont like about cars

You are the Sun

Dear Night

   dear Night i do not disdain you, i am figuring things out
   I am not remorseful of the actions ive undertaken thatve caused me to feel shame
   Without it i would not have grown, expanded; thats my desire, and that is my lot


hi Faucet reminded me to say i still am in love with the Spirit /(and) Life but that doesn’t mean i dont carry the black cloud with me (somewhere?) somehow–
Feeling sheer any way bc just tired af and if anything my strange animal sounds and queer movements kind of help me feel level, like if i don’t move or vibrate somehow i will v likely forreal die from something prob v similar to a star collapsing into itself–
in the same way, writing is v much like breathing too; and doing so even tempers me too, helps me to eat my sorrow, and be the champion of my sorrows, the stuart of my traumas